Making a Minimal Repo

Starting point:

[micro ]$ git log --oneline --graph --all
* a451940 (minimal, main) Minimal = Tiny + collections, js, data, partials, icons
* d4996cc (tiny) Tiny = Micro + layouts, src
* f636ea3 (HEAD -> micro, root) Micro = base .eleventy.js one content file

the ever-popular ASCII diagram:

  root                    main
    |                       |
  micro      tiny        minimal
    |          |            |
    |          |            |
f636ea3 --  -> d4996cc ---> a451940

The first commit micro has a bad commit message:

[micro =]$ git log micro
commit f636ea3f0c7b066abc658734ef47c05f98bd9996 (HEAD -> micro, origin/micro, root)
Author: Philip Borenstein <>
Date:   Fri Aug 21 02:47:26 2020 -0400

    Micro = base .eleventy.js one content file

    A "hello, world" organized to grow:

        ./.eleventy.js -- sets up directory structure
        ./src/ -- a header and some text

    Micro = base .eleventy.js one content file

    A "hello, world" organized to grow:

        ./.eleventy.js -- sets up directory structure
        ./src/ -- a header and some text

    Add README

We want to get rid of the double description and “Add READNE”

Our HEAD is at micro and micro is the commit we want to edit

[micro ]$ git commit --amend

This opens your editor, vim in this case, to the commit message we’re amending:

1   Micro = base .eleventy.js one content file
  2 A "hello, world" organized to grow:
  4     ./.eleventy.js -- sets up directory structure
  5     ./src/ -- a header and some text
  7 Micro = base .eleventy.js one content file
  9 A "hello, world" organized to grow:
 11     ./.eleventy.js -- sets up directory structure
 12     ./src/ -- a header and some text
 14 Add README

We clean up the message and save.

This happens.

[micro ]$ git commit --amend
# the editing happened here
Auto packing the repository in background for optimum performance.
See "git help gc" for manual housekeeping.
[micro ebeb1a8] Micro = base .eleventy.js one content file
 Date: Fri Aug 21 02:47:26 2020 -0400
 5 files changed, 146 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 .eleventy.js
 create mode 100644 .gitignore
 create mode 100644
 create mode 100644 package.json
 create mode 100644 src/

Looks like it worked. Let’s look at the tree

[micro ]$ git log --oneline --graph --all
* ebeb1a8 (HEAD -> micro) Micro = base .eleventy.js one content file
* a451940 (minimal, main) Minimal = Tiny + collections, js, data, partials, icons
* d4996cc (tiny) Tiny = Micro + layouts, src
* f636ea3 (root) Micro = base .eleventy.js one content file

The --oneline format is hiding the fact that commit ebeb1a8 is not the child of a451940. If we use --format=short, we can see that ebeb1a8 is an orphan just floating in space.

[micro ]$ git log --format=short --decorate --graph --all
* commit ebeb1a8652e299a2f4093d7c56056099c6836b19 (HEAD -> micro)
  Author: Philip Borenstein <>

      Micro = base .eleventy.js one content file

* commit a4519408b52bc75cce1f5dff461c4dc02e59dcf3 (minimal, main)
| Author: Philip Borenstein <>
|     Minimal = Tiny + collections, js, data, partials, icons
* commit d4996cca371b6418942e160fe5fa86ae89ad531b (tiny)
| Author: Philip Borenstein <>
|     Tiny = Micro + layouts, src
* commit f636ea3f0c7b066abc658734ef47c05f98bd9996 (root)
  Author: Philip Borenstein <>

      Micro = base .eleventy.js one content file

So our current state is this.


  root        tiny        minimal
    |           |            |
    |           |            |
f636ea3 ---> d4996cc ---> a451940

What we want to do now is to attach the minimal branch to the end of micro

So it looks like we want to tack micro to the end of micro:

[micro ]$ git rebase micro minimal
Successfully rebased and updated refs/heads/minimal.

OK, what does that mean?

Remember that --oneline doesn’t let you see that two commits aren’t related. The --show-linear-break option solves that (but it doesn’t work with --graph).

[minimal ]$ git log --oneline --show-linear-break --all
7c128d4 (HEAD -> minimal) Minimal = Tiny + collections, js, data, partials, icons
25aaa80 Tiny = Micro + layouts, src
ebeb1a8 (micro) Micro = base .eleventy.js one content file

a451940 (main) Minimal = Tiny + collections, js, data, partials, icons
d4996cc (tiny) Tiny = Micro + layouts, src
f636ea3 (root) Micro = base .eleventy.js one content file

That looks like this:

 micro                    minimal
   |                         |
   |                         |
ebeb1a8 ---> 25aaa80 ---> 7c1v8d4

  root        tiny         main
    |           |            |
    |           |            |
f636ea3 ---> d4996cc ---> a451940

The upper tree is the new (corrected) tree. The lower tree is the old tree.

Rebasing took care of pointing micro and minimal to the right commits.

Now we just need to move the other three branches to the right commits. main and root are straightforward: make this look like that.

[minimal ]$ git branch -f main minimal
[minimal ]$ git branch -f root micro

Instead of using a specific SHA (25aaa80) for tiny, we’ll describe the commit relative to minimal:

[minimal ]$ git branch -f tiny 'minimal^'

This is what the log looks like:

[minimal ]$ git log --oneline --show-linear-break --all
7c128d4 (HEAD -> minimal, main) Minimal = Tiny + collections, js, data, partials, icons
25aaa80 (tiny) Tiny = Micro + layouts, src
ebeb1a8 (root, micro) Micro = base .eleventy.js one content file

And this is what that looks like:

 root                      main
   |                         |
 micro        tiny        minimal
   |            |            |
   |            |            |
ebeb1a8 ---> 25aaa80 ---> 7c1v8d4

f636ea3 ---> d4996cc ---> a451940

The old commits hang around until they’re garbage collected. If we wanted to be able to get back to our original versions, we could point a branch at a451940 and get back the entire state of our tree when we started.

[minimal ]$ git branch -f rescue a451940

[minimal ]$ git log --oneline --show-linear-break --all
7c128d4 (HEAD -> minimal, main) Minimal = Tiny + collections, js, data, partials, icons
25aaa80 (tiny) Tiny = Micro + layouts, src
ebeb1a8 (root, micro) Micro = base .eleventy.js one content file

a451940 (rescue) Minimal = Tiny + collections, js, data, partials, icons
d4996cc Tiny = Micro + layouts, src
f636ea3 Micro = base .eleventy.js one content file